
Acrobat 8 Standard Download

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  2. Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard Download
  3. Acrobat 8 Standard Download
Active2 years, 6 months ago

Finding the Acrobat Pro 8.0 Updates .. Anywhere? As best I can tell, Adobe has removed all updates for Acrobat Professional 8.

Adobe acrobat 8 standard free download - Adobe Acrobat Professional and Standard Update, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, and many more programs. Re: Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard Download LearnedMan Jan 11, 2016 11:25 AM ( in response to lonehawk79 ) I wish the moderators would stop telling Forum Member there is no link to Acrobat 8 Standard. If you're after Acrobat 8 and it was an e-delivery, you need to check licensing.adobe.com. They recently changed their site, but you should be able to get in from there - if not, contact their support and they'll get you in the right direction for your DLC.

This link -- http://www.adobe.com/downloads/updates.html -- goes to their product update page.From there I went to http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=1&platform=Windows and poked around the obvious and not-so-obvious choices and keep coming up empty.

About: Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software is the free global standard for reliably viewing, printing, and commenting on PDF documents. And now, it's connected to the Adobe Document Cloud − making it easier than ever to work across computers and mobile devices. Adobe Acrobat X Standard – Direct Download Link. Adobe Acrobat 8 Direct Download Link. See below if you need access to the even older version 8 of Acrobat Pro (circa 2006). Important: Please see this update about Acrobat 8. Acrobat 8 Pro for Windows English, French, German (254 MB).

Assuming it really is impossible to get the 8.0 updates from the Adobe site, does anyone know a truly trustworthy source for getting the updates?

Background.I've been running Windows 7 and Acrobat 8.0 for several years. Last month I had to scrub my system to rid of a virus. Everything is now re-loaded, but I need the updates for Acrobat 8.0 so that I can take care of a few pesky problems like being able to print to PDF from Quicken 99. Or to right-click from the desktop to combine PDFs into a single file.

Black panther movie download in hindi. It was all working before I had to scrub, so I know it's possible to get 64 bit and 32 bit to play nicely together.

Normally I save the update exe files for situations exactly like this, i.e., when the vendor removes the files you need to keep running a legacy program. For some dumb reason, I failed to do it for Acrobat Professional 8.0, and though I'm usually pretty handy with web searches to dig up otherwise elusive stuff, this time I'm getting nowhere.


Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard Download Free

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2 Answers

If you still have a serial key for it, this installs version 8.1.0:
Also available on their ftp site:
Latest update (8.3.1):

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OK -- Success! I can now print to PDF from Quicken 99, and I can right-click from the desktop to combine multiple PDFs into a single PDF.

Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard Download

(Thank you to TheKB for providing trail to update files.) (Hmmm .. I am guessing that TheKB is your handle for 'The Knowledge Base' -- is that a good guess?)

Here's a summary of what I had to do. It was time-consuming, and I encountered surprise malware. Perhaps my summary will help save time for others.

Assumption: You are starting from Acrobat Professional 8.0 and you want the English update.

  1. Use the downloads at ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/acrobat/win/8.x/ because that is where you will find the complete list of all updates (patches).
  2. Download all of the patches before you begin installing. It will save you time because you have to reboot after almost every patch. You do not need all of the files offered. You do need the file(s) for English. See next step.
  3. Your first download is AcrobatUpd810_efgj_incr.msp (Note: the 'efgj' means English-French-German-Japanese.)
  4. Your subsequent downloads are all AcrobatUpdNNN_all_incr.msp where NNN = the update number. For example: 811, 812, 813, etc. (Tip: Open two or more browser windows so you can download more than one at a time.)
  5. Most of the updates are not chained and you may have to reboot after almost every install, as I did.
  6. See below for the list of files I installed. Although a few had chained updates, you should download every one rather than rely on my findings. I discovered which ones were chained by working backwards from 831 to 830 etc. Also see below for an explanation of the malware.

Installed Files: AcrobatUpdNNN_..

816 (includes 814 and 815)
817 (this is the final 81N update)
822 (includes 821) 823
825 (includes 824)
826 (this is the final 82N update)
831 (this is the final 83N update)

Raptr Malware Incident
I installed 823 and rebooted. Upon reboot, I was greeted with a Raptr gaming login screen. I am not a gamer in any form and would never knowingly install a game. So I used my iPad to research this one (wanting to avoid an internet connection with my PC until I knew what I was dealing with).

I found out that the game was installed by AMD and that it has some interaction with Adobe CS.

I have no idea what actually triggered the Raptr login screen. I.e., was it something that downloaded with the 823 update? Was it something lurking in AMD that woke up when I rebooted?


Whatever .. I couldn't get rid of it fast enough. I used Programs > Uninstall and then searched for (and found and deleted) a dozen other raptr files on my system (the Windows Uninstall did not get rid of everything by itself).

I know this was a long post. And I do hope that people viewing this post find value in it.

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Acrobat 8 Standard Download

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